Friday, October 9, 2015

Event prepare guide [short]

in this guide I will go over some things that will help you get ready for the event sooner.

First, to get into event maps, they will be in your normal sortie selection but it will be blinking red.
You need to have 75% sortie win rate, 5 empty ship slots, and 20 equipment slots ready.

When choosing difficulty, the number of hearts is how difficult it is. 1 heart = easy and easy should be on the most right.

Events will have special game mechanics that you won't normally see in regular sorties:

Combined Fleet: You can use your first and second fleet to make a combined fleet of 12 ships and you can choose to take a Surface Task Force or a Carrier Task Force (STF/CTF)

CTF is made of: Max of 2 BB/BBV/FBB, Min of 2 CV/CVL, Max of 4CV/CVL, and SS/SSV cannot be flag ship.
The escort fleet will contain: Exactly 1 CL, atleast 2 DD, at most 2 CA/CAV, at most 2 FBB, at most 1 AV, and submarine cannot be flag ship.

STF is made up of: atleast a combination of CL/CA/CAV/BB/BBV, Max of 1 CV or 2 CVL, Max of 4BB, and max of 4 CA/CAV. Submarine rule still applies.
The escort fleet is made of only 1 CL (not clt except Abukuma), at least 2 DD, max of 2 CA/CAV, max of 2FBB, , max of 1 AV, max of 1 CVL.

There will be four choices before going into combat as a STF/CTF and the ones you will need are these:
第一警戒航行序列(対潜警戒)(Top left): ASW (line abreast)
第三警戒航行序列(輪形陣) (Bottom left): AA (diamond formation)
第四警戒航行序列(戦闘隊形)(Bottom right): All attack (line ahead)
第二警戒航行序列(前方警戒)(top right): ASW|attack (kind of like double line but don't use this)

Line of Sight (LOS) will be a factor in this. If you are using KCV / KC3Kai, you should be able to find your fleets LOS which is required when approaching a boss node usually. Getting higher LOS is achieved by certain ships (Tone), adding planes, radars, etc.

Ship locking is applied usually when you are on medium/hard difficulty. What this means is if I take Fubuki to E-1 (event map 1), she will have color word written on her that is color coded. That means I cannot take her anywhere else that is not that color that is written on her. This is just to be more careful on which ships you take to certain maps because you don't want to lock your best ships on the first one and cant use them on the hardest map.

Branching rules are still there plus there will be special ship combinations that will override branching rules.

I'm making this short guide for you newer players so I will assume you will be going on easy.
Some drops will not be available on easy

You should at least have 20k of each resource when finishing event on easy with 200 buckets.

Here are some expeditions for resources:
2 - 30 min - Ammo, Bucket
5 - 1hr 30 min - Fuel, Ammo
6 - 40 min - Bauxite
11 - 5hr - bauxite
15 - 12hr - Steel, Bauxite
16 - 15hr - Fuel, Ammo, Steel, Bauxite
21 - 2hr 20min - Fuel, ammo (requires 3 drum, 1 on each ship)
There are some really good ones later on but unless you unlocked them, use these.

With 3 expedition fleets, you should run 2-5-21 or 2-6-21

Ships that really show potential during events:;postID=6009619698470458915;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=1;src=postname


Good supply of 20.3 Reds
2-4 Type A Kyohouteki
Atleast 10cm High angles (green)
4-6 Quad Oxygen Torpedo
2-4 15.5 yellow guns
Air radars/Sonars/Depth Charges
2-4 41cm Reds
4-8 35.6cm Reds

Here are some recipes to help you get some new equipment for the event
- Planes
1 Saiun
6 Suisei or Suisei M12
6 Ryuusei or Ryuusei Kai
As many reppus or Shiden Kai ni (Type 52 fighters are ok but not good) (6-8 reppu/shiden kai ni are fine)

FS: must be CV/CVL
20/60/10/110 gives you chances for Saiun, you only need one Saiun.
20/60/10/100 for torpedo bombers. Aim for Ryuusei Ryuusei Kai (shiny rainbow background)
20/30/10/90 for dive bombers and fighters. You want suisei M12, Shiden Kai ni, and Reppu
(more shiny backgrounds)
20/20/10/90 for fighters. aim for Shiden kaini and Reppus.

- Radars and shells
4-6 AP Shells (Very important for BBs)
3-5 Type 3 shells (very good against installation bosses)
4 surface radars (helps alot with LOS)

FS: BB or CA for shells.
10/90/90/30 AP and Type 3 Shells
10/90/60/30 - Type 3 
10/30/90/10 - AP shells

FS: BB or CV
10/11/251/250 - Radars and a small chance for observation seaplane (better recon plane)

thanks to Shinwa helping me with this small guide ^~^

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Ships you probably want to keep/level up.
This means they are good for the event
This means they are very very important in events and usually outside of events

Kai Ni - 60

Above average stats
Anti air
ASW (antisubmarine warfare)
LOS (line of sight)
Luck (good for torpedo cut ins) (32)

Kai ni - 70
Comes with Starshell and Searchlight (night battle)

Above average stats
Luck (40)

Kai ni - 70
Comes with good torpedo, AAFD, and good radar for DD

Above average stats

Can do AACI (anti air cut in)

Kai ni - 70
Comes with two good high angles and good torpedo.

Above average stats
A little bit worse than Fubuki and less LOS

Kai ni - 70
Comes with AAFD, good high angle, and good DD radar

Above average stats
Luck (53)

Can do AACI

Kai ni - 60
Comes with two radars

Above average stats
Luck (50)

Kai ni - 55

Above average stats
Firepower (high)
Torpedo (high)
Luck (20)

Kai - 20

Above average stats
Luck (60)

Light Cruisers and Torpedo Light Cruiser

Kai - 20

Above average stats

Kai - 20

Above average stats
Same as Kuma

Kai ni - 60
Comes with Star shell, Searchlight, and Night recon plane

Above average stats

Kai ni - 60
Comes with searchlight

Above average stats
Firepower (high)
Torpedo (high)

Best CL statwise

Kai - 12 (gives radar) (good to farm isuzu and level her to 12)
Kai ni - 50
In total comes with 2 Type 21 Air, 1 Type 22 Surface and 1 Depth charge (ASW)

Above average stats

Can do AACI

Kai at 35
Comes with FCF (comes in handy during events) and good DD air radar

Above average stats
LOS (high)
Luck (30)

4 Equipment Slots

Kai - 17 (gives Type 21 Air)
Kai ni - 75 + Blueprint (4 medals)
Comes with good high angle, DD Air radar, and Daihatsu.
Daihatsu is equipped on Abukuma or Akitsumaru to increase gain from expeditions by 5% (you can stack them)

Abukuma is the only Light Cruiser that can equip Kouhyouteki (mini sub) which is good for branching rules.

Above average stats
Torpedo (high)
Luck (20)

Kai - 10 (CL > CLT)
Kai ni - 50

Comes with Type 21 Air and Quint Torpedo

Can use Kouhyouteki

Above average stats
Torpedo (really high)
Luck (30)

Everything is same as Kitakami except has 13 luck instead of 30.

Kai ni - 65 (CL > CLT)
Comes with Air radar for DD and Quint Torpedo

Above average stats
Torpedo (very high but not as much as KTKM/Ooi)
Evasion (high)

Heavy Cruisers and Aviation Cruisers

Kai ni - 70

Comes with 2 20.3 (2) guns and type 22 Surface

Above average stats
Torpedo (high)
Luck (32)
Evasion (high)

Kai ni - 75

Comes with 20.3 (2) gun, Type 94 AAFD, and Concentrated 25mm Triple Autocannon

Best at AACI

Above average stats
AA (high)

Kai ni - 65 + blueprint

Comes with 20.3 (2) gun, Skilled lookout (boosts equipped ship night battle), searchlight, and really good surface radar.

Above average stats
Firepower (high)
Torpedo (high)
Luck (19)

Kai - 10 (CA > CAV)

These next four ships will have average stats but they are CAV which help in AS (air superiority) and ASW.

Kai - 30 (CA > CAV)

Comes with 20.3 (3) gun and Type 21 Air.

Kai - 35 (CA > CAV)

Comes with Type 21 Air.

Kai - 35 (CA > CAV)

Comes with Type 22 Surface.

Kai ni - 70 + blueprint (CA > CAV)

Comes with 20.3 (3) gun, Type 21 Air, and Zuiun (632 Air Group)

Above average stats
LOS (very high)

Kai ni - 70 + blueprint (CA > CAV)

Same things as Tone

Battleships and Aviation Battleships
All Battleships are good but these are the ones that prioritize being leveled.

Kai ni - 80

Comes with 2 Dazzle Camo 35.6 guns and Type 3 Shell.

Kongou class kai ni comes with some sort of radar(s)

Kai ni - 75

Comes with Search light.

Kai - 20 (BB > BBV)
Kai ni - 80 + blueprint

Comes with Prototype 41 gun, searchlight, and Zuiun M12.

Can equip 41cm guns now without getting overweight penalty.

Helps with AS and ASW

Above average stats

Kai - 20 (BB > BBV)
Kai ni - 80 + blueprint

Comes with Prototype 41 gun, rocket launcher (rare but bad), and Zuiun M12

Same as Yamashiro

Regular Carriers (CV)

Kai - 30

Above average stats
Plane slots

Kai ni - 78

Comes with good fighter, dive bomber, torpedo bomber, and reconnaissance plane (good for contact)

Above average stats

Kai ni - 77

Comes with good fighter, dive bomber, and torpedo bomber. (the only different thing is dive bomber from Souryuu)

Above average stats
Firepower (high)

Kai - 25 (low!)

Comes with rocket launcher (rare but bad)

Above average stats
Plane slots (around Akagi)

Consumes a little less fuel/ammo than Akagi

Light Aircraft Carriers CVL

Upgrade - 10
2nd Upgrade - 12 (Comes with 2 Kouhyouteki) (farm 10 of these)
3rd Upgrade - 15 (AV > CVL)
4th Upgrade - 35 (comes with rocket launcher)
5th Upgrade - 50 (comes with rocket launcher)

Above average stats
Health (high)
Armor (high)
Plane slots


Everything is the same as Chitose

Kai ni - 75

Comes with Reconnaissance plane.

Above average stats
Firepower (high)
Plane slots

Kai ni - 80

Comes with Reppu (really good fighter), good DD air radar, Type 21 Air, and rocket launcher.

Above average slots
Firepower (high, same as Ryuujou)
AA (high, +2 higher than Chitose class)
Plane slots (high)

Best CVL

these are all ships to look out for and if you have them, you should level them because when they get around kai ni level (some are kai), they will have these benefits over other ships

happy leveling ^^

Thursday, September 3, 2015

this next one ill be going with simple set ups
first I'll go over what all the icons mean
Starting from the left column down and to the right column down
Plane slots
Speed (to distinguish a fast fleet vs slow)
Anti air
ASW (antisubwarfare)
Line of Sight (used for branching later and recon phase at start of battle
Luck (if 30 use luck based cut ins (3 torpedos))

starting off with destroyer set ups
red red green is a good set up because this isn't luck based and it allows double attack
and cut ins.

this allows a small chance cut in at night battle.

a high luck destroyer like Shigure or Yukikaze would equip torpedoes on all three slots for the night battle cut in.

you can also take a wildcard like starshell searchlight or radar.

similar to the first set up, this uses two high angles with a wild card. cannot cut in at night but can carry the night battle equipment.

If up against subs, you should take two sonars and one depth charge.

you will get a bonus if you combo depth charge with sonars.

Light cruisers:
This is probably the most used setup of red red plane.

you can swap these out for the setup above if you are against subs.

If you have a four slot light cruiser like ooyodo or yuubari, you can add an extra torpedo, radar, night battle equipment, asw equipment, etc as the fourth slot.

ooyodo kai also has 30 luck so you can put 3 torpedos on her.

Heavy Cruiser:

red gun, red gun, plane, wildcard is the most common setup.

wildcards can be: 
Type 3 shell (good against installation boss)
Searchlight/Starshell (night battle equipment)
Torpedo (luck based mixed cut in)
15.5 yellow (cut in at night battle)

For high luck CAs like Myoukou, you can equip 3 torps on her.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

kancolle guide

Sora's Kancolle Guide :D

this will be a smallish guide to help you understand the basics of kancolle.
this is based off the information i have learned so some may be incorrect due to how i played the game. x_x

here is just a picture i found that has all the areas of the naval district translated to english

organize: you can organize your fleets for your sorties, practices, and expeditions

supply: after a sortie, practice, expedition you can resupply your ships with ammo, fuel, and planes

refit: you can change the equipment on your ships, modernize them (fuse other ships for better stats) or remodel (kai/kai ni) them.

docking: you can repair your ships here

factory: you can construct ship, scrap ship, craft equipment, and scrap equipment.

ships: caps at 100 but you can buy more with real money

these are the important ones you need to know other than the big sortie button.

Organizing fleet:

these are small tips about organizing your fleet.
green: those will replenish your ships morale. they are not easy to get so save them
red: it will remove all ships but the flagship (first one)
blue: you can change the name of your fleet


Here are some good daily development recipes (equipment/green button)
10/10/10/11 will have a small chance of getting a sonar (good for anti sub)
10/10/30/10 will have a small chance of getting high angles and supply drums (they will come in handy later)

When modernizing a ship, try to use two of a stat (2 torpedo, two armor, etc)

if you just give them a light cruiser which is one torpedo|1 armor, it can fail because it is only one stat on one of them but two torpedo like the picture has two points in torpedo increasing chance a lot.

(remember that kai/kai ni resets their modernization stat)


In order top to bottom left to right:
line ahead = all in (usually you want this)
double line = lower damage but high accuracy
diamond = flagship is protected highly, highest anti air
echelon = highest evasion (rarely use this)
line abreast = highest anti sub (use this against subs)

After choosing fleet formation the battle goes like this:

detection: a plane will go out and depending on your detection stat (radar/planes)
it will turn green or red.
green : increased accuracy and evasion
red: prevents allied planes from going out

engagement form:
this is just to show you how you engaged their fleet
Parallel engagement:
Damage is 100%
Chance to get this: 45%
Chance to get this with Saiun: 45%

You want this one

Head on engagement
Damage is 80%
chance to get this: 30%
chance to get this with saiun: 40%

you don't want this

T cross advantage
Damage is 120%
chance to get this 15%
chance to get this with saiun 15%

You really want this

T cross disadvantage
Damage is 60%
chance to get this 10%
chance to get this with saiun 0%

You sometimes want this is you want to take no damage in the battle.

Saiun is a yellow plane that allows you to not achieve T cross disadvantage although sometimes you might want it at times because if you are up against big battleships, you can get that and take very little damage that node.

Remember if you have head on, the enemy will have head on.
the engagement is same for both sides.

aerial combat: if a ship is equipped with a
offensive plane (bbv, cav, ssv, av, cv, cvl) they will fight along with fighters (green planes) to shoot down each other and once done fighting, planes will drop their torpedos and bombs on ships.
this is an example of air superiority 
this happens after the planes will fight and if you have enough air power, you can get bonus fighting power. (artillery spotting)
if the text is red, that means you have lost air superiority

Opening stages: SS, CLT/AV/Abukuma Kai ni with mini sub can launch torpedoes before shelling starts.

Day battle: All ships except submarines start to fire in order to their range which can be found here

and usually BB goes first > CV > CA > CL > DD

A second round of firing can happen if you have bb/bbv

After all the shelling, DD, CL, CLT, CA, CAV, SS, Bismarck drei can fire a torpedo at the enemy.

All ships but CVL and CV can participate
Some higher leveled abyssal carriers can attack at night

Ships must not be red to attack

Ships will have higher accuracy and damage on both sides

Subs will only take scratch damage (1-3)
if you are against subs do not go into night battle.

Ships equipped with a certain setup can do a night battle attack

Yuudachi is equipped with 2 reds (12.7) and a green (10cm)
aka 2 primaries and a wildcard that is not a torpedo.

Last tips for now:
remove the equipment of ships you dont need (dont have to do when kai/kai ni)
dont continue in a sortie after a ship is red (you can still night battle)
when doing resupply quest, you can choose one ship to resupply one of their things at a time to count as one. do this 15 times

ships to look out for and level:
Sendai - Night battle equipment at kai ni and has best voice actor
Jinstuu - highest cl stats
Fubuki/Hatsushimo - Fire directors (good for anti air, will go over that later)
Ayanami - good destroyer in general (comes with searchlight and starshell at kai ni)
Shigure/Yukikaze - High luck stat (equip torpedoes on kai ni on shigure) (just equip torps on yukikaze whenever)
Maya - really good stats and early levels and good equipment at kai ni
Aoba - good early CA with 30 luck at kai (red gun, red gun, torp, plane is good set up)
Myoukou - high stat CA (high luck)
Haruna/Kirishima - gives better kai ni equipment than the other kongou class
Kitakami/Ooi/Kiso give quintuple torpedoes at kai ni.
Mogami/Suzuya/Mikuma/Kumano - they become CAV at kai

Expeditions use 2, 5, and 6 during the day and 11,15,16 are good overnight.

refer to wiki
when doing sorties you can check branching rules, enemies, and drops
when doing expeditions so you can see who to use, what level the flagship has to be, and the overall level of fleet.
red: total fleet level (find this in bottom blue line in kancolle viewer)
green: flagship level
blue: drums (ill explain later)
Use this when constructing a ship
Use most common recipes
Use this to craft equipment later
remember to check the flagship and hq level requirement
This is good when you are hunting a ship you want

maybe next time i will go over equipment setups but right now this is as much i can offer